Stakeholders, beneficiaries hail Turaki of Ilorin over distribution of JAMB, NECO, WAEC forms

Stakeholders in the education sector and indigent students of Kwara Central Senatorial District, who benefitted from West Africa Examination Council (WAEC), National Examination Council (NECO) and Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) forms procured and distributed by Senator Saliu Mustapha have hailed the legislator for the gesture, describing it as timely.

In separate interviews with reporters in the four local government areas of the senatorial district, some of the beneficiaries identified Mustapha, who is the Turaki of Ilorin, as a pace setter.

They stated that the intervention of the senator was a relief, particularly now that the citizens were experiencing financial difficulty.

In a remark, the Principal, College of Arabic and Islamic Legal Studies Secondary School, Alhaji Ibrahim Zakariyahu, appreciated the Education Committee of Saliu Mustapha Foundation for carrying out the assignment in a transparent manner, saying that the selection process was devoid of bias and favour.

Zakariyahu identified the recipient of the scholarship in his school as Ibrahim Fatimah, who was in dire need of the gesture, pointing out that many politicians had embarked on similar intervention prior without giving opportunity to exceptional students.

Also speaking, the Chairman of the Confederation of Principals of Secondary Schools, Osin Zone, which consists of 36 Senior and Junior Principals, Alhaji Dauda Saka, acknowledged the support of Senator Mustapha even before his emergence as the Kwara Central Senator, thanking him for being passionate about the welfare of his constituents and for empowering the youth through educational opportunities.

On his part, the Principal of Ile-Apa Community Secondary School, Mr Yusuf Tanimowo, lauded Saliu Mustapha Foundation for the opportunity accorded the deserving students in the school, pointing out that the gesture was apt and timely.

“One of the recipients of the scholarship, Salahudeen Abdulmalik, is a physically challenged student. His parents are late and he was also sick for months before his recovery.

“We acknowledge the gesture, especially for embarking on such commendable initiative at this period when the hardship in the country is biting harder”, he said.

Alhaji Abdullah Abdulgafar Atanda from Government Day Secondary School, Amule, Ilorin, thanked Senator Mustapha, disclosing that about thirteen students of the school benefited from the scholarship.

He added, “I want to convey our appreciation to our distinguished Senator Saliu Mustapha for the scholarship and for his exemplary act of generosity”.

At Bukola Ansarul Islam High School, Budo Aare, the Principal of the school, Hajia Sa’adat, who praised senator Mustapha for investing in the education of his constituents, said apart from providing the scholarship, the senator also promised that exceptional students would be given scholarship to further their studies in higher institutions.

She said, “This gesture reflects his dedication to transforming lives through education, setting a commendable standard for other public figures and philanthropists to follow. The impact of this scholarship will undoubtedly be felt for years to come. We really appreciate the Turaki of Ilorin for the opportunities given to our children”.

A father of one of the beneficiaries, popularly known as Alfa Abdullateef, prayed to Almighty Allah to continue to give Senator Mustapha the strength and ability to further the initiative towards assisting parents and contributing to the development of a well-educated and empowered constituency.

Head Boy of Senior Secondary School, Ojagboro, Idris Uthman; Lukman AbdulAzeez, Mariam Abdulwahab and other beneficiaries promised not to disappoint Senator Mustapha, by studying hard in preparation for the forthcoming examinations.

They said they wished to be among the exceptional students that would benefit the higher institution scholarship.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Saliu Mustapha Foundation Education Committee, Yakub Ishowo, said the committee initially planned the registration and capturing of the beneficiaries for one week but was extended to capture the over 2000 beneficiaries.


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